Nen-nen Korori (ねんねんころり)

Sep 5, 2019 22:56
Nen-nen Korori

I think that the most well-known traditional lullaby in Japan is 'Edo Komoriuta' (江戸子守唄 - "Edo Lullaby").

The lyrics are as follows:

'Nen-nen kororiyo okororiyo bōya wa yoiko da nen-ne shina' (ねんねんころりよ おころりよ ぼうやはよいこだ ねんねしな).

Here, 'Nen-nen/nen-ne' (ねんねん/ねんね) means "sleep," 'korori' (ころり) is an onomatopoeia expressing that something rolls, 'bōya' (ぼうや) means "boy," and 'yoiko' (よいこ) means "good child."

That is to say, this lullaby means "sleep, roll, roll (lie down), you are good boy, so sleep."

If you are interested in the melody of this lullaby, please check it on YouTube.



「ねんねんころりよ おころりよ ぼうやはよいこだ ねんねしな」

ここで「ねんねん/ねんね」は寝ること、「ころり」は何かが転がることを意味する擬態語、「ぼうや」は "boy"、「よいこ」は "good child" を意味します。

すなわち、この子守唄の意味は "sleep, roll, roll (lie down), you are good boy, so sleep" のようになります。

メロディが気になる人は、YouTube で調べてみてください。
No. 1 TheBlondeCupcake's correction
  • Nen-nen Korori (ねんねんころり)
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Nen-nen Korori
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • I think that the most well-known traditional lullaby in Japan is 'Edo Komoriuta' (江戸子守唄 - "Edo Lullaby").
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • The lyrics are as follows:
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • 'Nen-nen kororiyo okororiyo bōya wa yoiko da nen-ne shina' (ねんねんころりよ おころりよ ぼうやはよいこだ ねんねしな).
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Here, 'Nen-nen/nen-ne' (ねんねん/ねんね) means "sleep," 'korori' (ころり) is an onomatopoeia expressing that something rolls, 'bōya' (ぼうや) means "boy," and 'yoiko' (よいこ) means "good child."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • If you are interested in the melody of this lullaby, please check it on YouTube.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
Thank you for reading my post! :)